The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Friday, March 13, 2009

i'm off

Not to see the wizard but oh, how I would like that!
I have to close tonight and then I am off Saturday and Sunday. I lucked out and got two whole days off this week, fabulous! Jay is coming tonight in time to eat dinner at this new local brewery but sadly I will miss it because I will be at work. I might make it in time to have a drink with them if they go really late but I doubt I will want to when I finally get off work, some time after 9pm.
Since I am off tomorrow, I am going to hopefully start on the adirondack (seriously, how DO you spell that?) chairs. Boss B is going to help me make them and hopefully Chad and Boss B will be able to get the wood today when they get off work. They are putting in a half day today since everyone worked over the weekend. Sadly, Chad couldn't choose which half of the day he wanted to work and stay home with me this morning! So, that's my plan for Saturday and Sunday is to work on the chairs. I will take pictures and let you know how it is going!
My computer turned off in the middle of me blogging this morning...something about an automatic Windows update. And when it turned itself back on a few minutes later, I apparently no longer have speakers installed in my computer. That sorta makes me mad. Especially since we use the laptop, hooked up to our wonderfully large TV, to watch our TV shows days after they come out. I am hoping that it will correct itself or I am going to be pretty upset with Windows.