The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Friday, March 27, 2009

down below jack

I think my sister is the only person who will get the title reference....a song, by an unknown celtic rock band, Seven Nations. I was going to call this one..."down you go, down below jack, where you never see the skies" but I thought that was too long for a blog title.

Got up, walked the dog, who was barking crazily at our two elderly neighbors who walk every single morning. You would think she would be OK with it by now. Have a ton to do today before we can leave town tonight.
1. Go to work (the most unpleasant AND time consuming..not entirely unpleasant, mind you. Just wish I could get paid for doing what I WANT to do every day. When you find my dream job, let me know.)
2. Go to the Verizon store (I am starting to have panic attacks about switching all my info over to a new phone).
3. Pray for my friend Danielle, who is leaving today to go to Guatemala for about 8 days with Living Water International (a group who builds wells in places who have no access to clean water...check them out at Living Water. You will fall in love too! Watch their promo videos and you might be the one on a plane headed to Guatemala!)
4. Clean out the car (my wonderful fabulous husband might take me to work so he can do this one. IF he gets out of bed in the next 10 minutes. Likely? We will see.)
5. Eat dinner with Jay (who has to go to the Verizon store with us)
6. Pack. Oh yeah. Minor detail.
7. Load car.
8. Drive 3 hours south.
9. Sleep in car (Chad drives, I sleep. It works out great!)
10. Arrive in hometown. See family. Be happy.

I must go "do my face" so I don't scare off the customers at the Hobster.