The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

another one

Quiet evening that is.
Just got home from work about 9:15...pretty early closing for me at the HL.
Chad is still not home.
And I still don't know when that will be happening.
If my sweetie is 1/8th as tired as I am, he's exhausted.
I need him to come home.
I haven't even seen his cute face in 48 hours (I was asleep and it was dark when he left this morning.)
I have a healthy appreciation and respect for the following people (among many others): military spouses, emergency response spouses (Fire, EMS, Police, etc), and people who's spouses work out of the country or out of town.
I hate it.

Update: It is now 10:25 and my wonderful, fabulous husband just walked in the door. It is a good thing too because I was pretty close to calling his boss and using unlady-like language in an effort to get him home. He smells like a fire and looks like he just climbed out of a coal mine but he is home! A shower and a good night's sleep and all will be right wih the world. He just informed me that he doesn't have to be at work until noon tomorrow and I don't have to go until 1pm. We're sleeping in!