The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

click search

It has begun again.
I came home from work last night very frustrated, exhausted both physically and emotionally. Some days are much better than others and please, don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for my job. I am thankful that I HAVE a job in this current economy and that between Chad and I, we are doing pretty good, saving a little money for the future. But there is something huge missing every day for me. Something that makes me feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing - that thing is missing.
I am positive that I am at HL for a reason and there are many times in our lives when our wonderful Maker never reveals that reason to us so I am OK with that. But I never feel like what I did that day made an impression on anyone or that what I do there really, truly matters.
I know that HL isn't a career.
Retail isn't a career for me period. I need to be doing something that has a little more impact, possibly even uses my degree (shock!), and helps me to fulfill the passions that my Creator put in my heart.
Passions for justice, rights, victims, women and children.
Passions that overflow.
I am renewing my search for another job. I never really stopped looking but stopped applying for pretty much everything once I started working at HL. It is a horrible time to be looking for a job and I have to remind myself that there are plenty of people more qualified out there who need a job worse than me, people who can't even feed their families or pay the bills.
I will stay at HL as long as I feel like that is where God wants me to be but I feel a very strong calling to continue looking now, almost an unsettled feeling about being at HL now, knowing that it is not where I am supposed to be forever.
I will put my faith in Him, trust that He holds my uncertain future in His generous hands.


Anonymous said...

I'll miss you :[ but I hope you find something you enjoy and are passionate about :] did something specific happen to make you feel this way again?

ozob said...

The Impact of One Life
When a stone is dropped into a lake, it quickly disappears from sight –
but its impact leaves behind a series of ripples that broaden and reach across the water.
In the same way, the impact of one life lived for Christ will leave behind an influence for good
that will reach the lives of many others.
Roy Lessin

sometimes we know... sometimes we don't....

you are surrounded by people who are seeking justice, lost their rights, been work with many women and many women with children...make use of this opportunity God has given you until He moves you elsewhere. Continue to live your life for Christ and about Him and your ripples will become waves. You are a strong women...Keep your chin up and your eyes on Him.