The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


You know all those cute little texting/online things that stand for other things...brb, cul8tr,etc....and my favorite, LOL?
Laugh Out Loud.
Do most people actually laugh out loud when they use it?
Probably not. And in all honesty, I am probably the worst offender (texts only...I can usually maintain my dignity online but really, who can say everything they want in 180characters?!? I have been known to leave out spaces soallofmywordslooklikethis and are really annoying to whoever is lucky enough to get one of those texts!!)
Anyway, side notes put aside...NieNie (who we ALL love...come on!) said something today that literally made me Laugh Out Loud. On my couch. All by myself.
Apparently her children were misbehaving and her dear husband said, "Oh girls, guess what? The devil called and said you guys were doing awesome."
That - is - fabulous. Go Mr. Nielson!

On another side note, instead of my "H" button not working, now it is the space bar. So it is paying me back for my above thoughts about not putting spaces in my texts.