The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Monday, October 19, 2009

i'd like to...

take a moment please to acknowledge something cool.
So I told you guys that I put up Google Analytics on my blog. Mostly out of curiosity - I don't need to know for any other reason really. Just thought it might be entertaining...
I would like to report that I had two different visitors from India yesterday and when I found out this morning, it completely made my day. I sorta figured when I first pulled it up that they were people I knew from my trip to India (a few - 2 - are back there now and I assumed got the link from Facebook) but it turns out that one was in Calcutta and one was in Bangalore. I don't think I know people there and that makes me super excited...I do read another blog (a super-awesome story about an amazing (and adorable!) little girl, Madeline, and her dad who is writing their story in Bangalore, India but they don't know me either (that is a little creepy - I know.)
So - Fun!
Ok, I am going to do craft projects, fold clothes, clean the kitchen, take a shower, and go to work.
Sounds like a riot huh?Link