The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

here's what happened.

Chad and I had just finished eating dinner and picking up a movie...we were driving home past this really cool community garden called The Gathering Place that is sponsored by and taken care of by a local church (I would post the link but I can't find it!). I was driving and admiring the garden and then I noticed a tall, blond/curly haired fella taking pictures of the plants...
or was he videotaping the plants....
or was he looking familiar?
Is that Caleb...that I went to India with?
Who is helping start the organization called Sixty1 that is setting captives free on the other side of the world?
Who is apparently making a documentary film on the little community garden in Chattanooga?
Yes it is.
So, we turned around and went to talk to him for a few minutes.
About the garden. And his film. And Sixty1 and how you can be involved.
More to come hopefully on some Sixty1 fundraisers and world changing.
God has such a cool plan.