The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

two things

First, I have a secret.
I have fallen in love.
A delicious, sweet, fabulous love.
Oh dear. I've fallen hard.
I have a need to see my love every day.
To gaze upon its goodness.
To wonder at its amazingness.
To giggle at its perfectness.

Oh, did I fail to mention that it is with a salad?
Chad's mom brought this salad to our Easter Fiesta at my sister's house and ever since I can't get enough.
I've eaten it four days in a row now.
I shall call it "S' Fabulous Wonderful Amazing Salad".
-Mixed greens.
-Orange slices (this is the labor intensive but oh-so-worth-it part)
-Chopped pecans (her's had walnuts but I have a special place in my heart for pecans so I substituted a little)
-Crumbled bleu cheese (freshly crumbled, mind you...its softer and much better tasting than the pre-crumbled stuff in the cold case next to the yogurt)
-Dressing (here comes the can't make this salad without this particular dressing. It is and oil and vinegar dressing but very specific oil and vinegar. They are both from a little kitchen store across town from where it live - Mia Cucina - and uber expensive but definately worth the price tag. The vinegar is a 25 year old balsamic (?sp) that is laced with illegal drugs - I mean strawberries. The oil is much younger (thankfully!) and is infused (I guess?) with blood oranges.) The combination of the strawberries/oranges/salty bleu cheese is absolute perfection.
Did I mention that I have eaten it every day since Sunday when I drove across town and splurged on half a bottle of each (you buy them by the ounce).
Get some.
Or even better, come see me and I will make you a salad that will make you want to move in with me and eat it every day like I do.

Second, I have a big head.
No, literally.
Not egotistical.
A literally enlarged cranium.
I have been trying to find a headband that goes around your head (elastic style) to hold back my growing bangs and I am on about my fifth or sixth style/new headband.
They all just slide off the back of my head.
Slip....slip....slip a little more....shoot off past my pony tail.
No luck.
They stay a little better when my hair is wet, immediately after my shower but the drier my hair gets, the quicker they make a hasty exit.
Any suggestions for my big head problem?

Oh dear...I'm going to be late for work.


Francina said...

I have the same problem. Genetics? :-)

Goody makes headbands that are like the rubberized elastic ponytail holders that have this plastic-y, sticky stuff on them that helps them grip hair and stay in place. Try them. They work okay for me. Or just use bobby pins.