The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Friday, April 10, 2009

pull a fast one

While my Chad and his stinky dog are still fast asleep upstairs (we never get to sleep in and I was unable to sleep past 7:30 this morning...too many mornings of getting up and going to the gym to sleep in...darn it. So I am letting him sleep...), I thought I would give a little update here.

Plans for today:
1. Sleep in. (check. or skip - in my case).
2. Go to Y and swim (Chad too. He is pretty excited. No weights for me. I'm so incredibly sore from yesterday...A, you're welcome. Cause if your abs and arms hurt as bad as mine, I know we are doing something good!).
3. Make cooking surprise. I'm pretty sure that this is why I couldn't go back to sleep this morning. I was too excited to try this one.
4.Clean up the kicthen counter (it is embarrasingly covered in randomness)
5. Do a couple loads of laundry and then fold about 5 loads. Mom, where are you when I need you?!?

We were gonna go hang out at the farm a bit today, maybe with Dad B, but we got some serious rain and thunderstorms this morning so things will just be far too wet and muddy for us to go out there. That dog would be stinky, muddy, and gross. Humans too. Maybe another day.

Next weeks schedule at work was posted. Keep in mind that I leave next Thursday to head down to Pine Mountain and spend a week playing in the woods (read:no shower for atleast 5 days straight...yummy.) with a bunch of 7th graders. So I asked for a week off work. The result was that I have to close Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. This sucks for a couple of reasons...first, I hoped to spend a little time with Chad before I leave him for a week. And second, the other front end supervisor only closes two nights per week to my three and no offense, but she doesn't have a husband she would like to be home with at night. I am not sure why it works out like that every week but it is sorta lame. There is a third one of us that works Friday and Saturdays so it does mean that I am theoretically suppposed to get every other Saturday off but it would be nice to be home during the week too!

Lastly, Chad asked me if I thought I could create a blog/website for the swim team he will be working with again this summer. I told him my only experience was this blog and blogspot is pretty much all I know how to use (and that is by trial and error!) but I would give it a try. Maybe I can teach him how to do it (it really is easy!) and then he can just do it himself instead of having to relay information and pictures to me! I'll let you know how it works out and you can check it out to see what he is giving his time to this summer!

I'm done letting them sleep in (its 9am for goodness sake!)...time to go jump on the bed!