The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

strange things

I wish the time posts were accurate on this thing...

Yes, it is about midnight. We just got home from the movies. Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
My personal issues with Brad Pitt aside and critics bad was fabulous.
There was an actual story there. Well done. and Loooooooong. Like over three hours. Whoa. You don't realize it though, it was THAT good.

Jay has been here most of the week, enjoying the courts in Atlanta being closed for New Years but (no offense, we LOVE you Jay), he brought some kind of illness with him. Sinus cold like symptoms and a sore throat. I am fighting it along with Chad who seems to have it a bit worse tonight. I see/touch/talk to more people than he does on a daily basis so I hope that my immune system is strong and I will not get too sick but I want him to be healthy too. Maybe good sleep and a little medicine tonight will knock it out...

And in response to the questions and comments...I have had the headaches for a while now. I get the really bad ones a couple of times a month. I mark them on my calendar to see if there is any sort of pattern but there really isn't...just when they feel like it I suppose. So, on and off for months, a couple of years? It didn't occur to me to document them until the past few months but for a while I've had them. Thought it might be my eyes since they usually lodge themselves in my temples but had my eyes checked and other than a mild astigmatism and nearly perfect vision other than that, a cute pair of reading glasses was all I got out of that doctor's visit.
Yes, I take Excedrin (?sp). But regretted taking it the other night because of the caffeine...I laid in bed, listening to Chad snore trying to decide if I would rather have the headache or lay there being awake. I picked being awake, by the way. I would trade weeks of sleep to not have the headache. I promise, I will go to the doc as soon as the insurance kicks in (so for the four mothers that are reading and commenting...yes, moms, I PROMISE, I will me. It bothers me MUCH more than it bothers you, so it is WORTH it!)

"Wounded and forsaken, I was shattered by the fall
broken and forgotten, feeling lost and all alone
summonded by the king, into the masters courts
lifted by the savior, cradled in his arms,
I was carried to the table, seated where I don't belong.
Carried to the table, swept away by his love,
And I don't see my brokenness anymore, when I'm seated at the table of the Lord
I'm carried to the table, the table of the Lord...wondering why He called my name,
am I good enough to share this cup, the world has left me lame.
Even in my weakness, the Savior called my name
in his holy presense, I am healed and unashamed
As I'm carried to the table, seated where I don't belong....
carried to the table
swept away by his love." ~ Leeland