The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

jiggity, jig

You know how it goes...home again, home again, jiggity, jig. We are in Columbus for the weekend, hanging out with my family and visiting my grandma. She isn't doing well. We went to see her this afternoon post-lunch and as I sat beside her bed and held her hand, blank face staring at me, I literally burst into tears. I want her back like I remember but I would never wish her through this again so...
It has been nice to be home and have a couple of days off. Chad and I are going out tonight to dinner and a movie. Dinner - his pick. Movie - my pick (but he says he will veto "Bride Wars". Bummer.) I'm torn between Seven Pounds and The Day the Earth Stood Smith or Keanu Reaves. Now THAT is a tough choice...

Back in Chattanooga tomorrow night.

My sister birthday is this week. Chad already knows what he is getting her but I am struggling. Any suggestions my dear friends? Help! (And sis, you are not allowed to comment on this one...unless you are just truly desperate for something specific that I can afford!).

I do promise, as this week begins, work settles down after inventory, and our lives hopefully gain some resemblance to normal or orderly, that I will post pictures...soon. Seriously.

By the favorite blogger is back! Read her story, fall in love with her family, and be reminded of all the good in the world here.