The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

and Monday never comes.

Oh well, I guess tomorrow is Monday anyway. Too bad.
The only day off I get this week is Thursday so I will be putting up some Christmas decor and we will probably get our tree next Sunday ( a week from today so I have some time to locate what ornaments there might be here and see what kind of shape they are in....)
To answer some comment questions: the Smokey the Bear tattoos came from Chad's work (he works for the forestry service). We put them on ourselves (as well as Uncle Jay and Elaine) as sort of a joke for the Turkey Trot. They take them to schools when Smokey the Bear goes and talks to kids about preventing fires, etc. (Yes, a man in a smokey suit). The best part is the instructions on the back go something like tattoo...wet thoroughly with towel and hold in place for approx. 30 seconds...use this 30 seconds to teach child about fire safety....blah, blah. Yeah, so they hold you down for atleast 3o seconds to teach you about fire safety while you get smokey on your arm. It's great!
And, I have no idea when I will be home for Christmas. But, looking at it realistically, I realize that I work in the retail work so chances are I am only going to get Christmas day off unless I ask for other days off. I will talk to some coworkers and see what is typically done and maybe ask off the 24th or 26th. Too bad it doesn't fall with a Sunday, that would be perfect!
We just bought groceries for the first time in almost two weeks (woohoo!) so we can take lunches all week and eat at home for dinner....trying to save the money!!
Well, its been a nice weekend (except for the whole working on Black Friday and Saturday part). Church was nice was a little loud for me and Chad, more like a rock concert than Chad but since there was probably only 20 or 30 people there they probably should have turned it down a bit. Not enough bodies to absorb the sound. Sang some songs I didn't stuff is fun!
Headed to bed...yes, still with out-of-control eye brows. We REALLY gotta work on that.