The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

finally. almost.

Finally, a small sampling of the Christmas decor...
some of this you will have seen last year,
some is new.
There is still some to be done but I will show you that as it happens.
I got these vases last year at HL for like 90% off...something like $2 each.
I was going to use them at Valentine's day, but honestly,
who decorates for V-Day?
So Christmas it is!
This is the tree - with lights, sans ornaments.
I have since put the ornaments up but didn't decorate the bottom foot or so of the tree...for fear they would come to an untimely demise.
You'll notice that the bottom half of the tree has different lights - I decided that since I had to buy lights, I would go ahead and splurge on the LED variety.
Cooler to the touch, costs less in electricity over the long run, and best of all? A 5 year warranty and a "stay lit" bonus (if one goes out, the rest stay lit!).
The greenery on the stairs.
Last year's stocking - an inexpensive reuse.
And a dog keeping guard.

This year's front porch! It is still missing a few things but handmade pillows and a greenery bunch made from leftovers from our tree (Free!) make it a fun and cheap decor! You will probably see this one again in our Christmas card pictures (to be taken today....if I have a good hair day. We all know it isn't happening if my hair is lookin' a mess like usual!)

And last, this is a newby.
A silver vase found in the house,
extra faux-greenery, and shatterproof Christmas ornaments.
Candles from last Thanksgiving, repainted (remember those!?), and the bottom half of one of my mom's paintings. She is awesome!