The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Friday, March 26, 2010

heading south.

It's that time again - doing laundry and packing for a trip south. We are heading down to Columbus this afternoon for a weekend of seeing friends, getting loved on by family, and then being forced to pack up my last belongings at my parents house. Mom and Dad are having some work done on their house and mom told me that I have to go through everything that is left (mostly a closet full of books!) and decide what stays, what gets boxed up and donated, and what comes back to the Nooga with me. Ugh. Mostly I just don't want to do it (hi Mom!) but I also don't want to see them clean out and possibly move out of the house I grew up in. I will admit to crying about it a little last night - Chad said that everyone has to go through that and it isn't "home" anymore anyway. Eh...he's just an unromantic man and doesn't understand or feel the draw towards what has always felt like "home". I know I have a new "home" with him and I have even blogged about it before but I guess I always pictured my kids going to see their grandparents there, in that home.
Oh goes on.
I have to finish a couple loads of laundry (no, I did not fold and put away yesterday. Kick me later.) and pack before Chad gets back from a Dr.'s appt. around noon. I should probably also shower and get ready so I don't have to do that later. And considering I am still in my pj's and had cold pizza for breakfast, I might want to get going!
Hopefully I will remember to take pictures this weekend and you'll get to see the sweet pregnant Beth in her super cute glory and all the girls together again before a little one is added to the mix! P.S. Beth has been having some pre-term contractions, strong ones that might get her put on bed rest for 4 or 5 more weeks until "Peanut" can safely be delivered so keep her and the little guy in your prayers for a healthy birth - that happens atleast 4 weeks from now!