The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

of the fittest.

Survival - of the fittest - that is.
I survived being locked in the mall with 1,500 Girl Scouts last night.
It was a riot. I had fun even though I was pretty much exhausted about one hour into it at 11pm.
I was pretty excited to get home at 5:15 this morning. But I was sweatygrossnasty and had to take a shower before I would allow myself to crawl into bed. I was too sure that Chad would wake up because of the smell (though he just admitted that he has no memory of me getting in bed so I probably could have snuck the smell by him).
I slept till 8:30. When someone next door decided to use their weed-eater.
So I closed the windows.
And slept till noon.
It was lovely.
Good lunch at Ankar's, cleaning a bit now, doing some laundry then hanging out with my sweetie tonight.
And probably going to bed early.