The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Monday, February 1, 2010

heavy boots.

I wish this post were about heaving snow boots and work being cancelled because of the weather today but sadly, the roads are clear and the sun is shining. We even got up and went to church yesterday morning, not even thinking to check and see if it was cancelled or not but it was! We met our real estate agent and looked at a few more houses but that is a post for another day...
I am reading the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close written by Johnathan Safran Foer (also the author of Everything is Illuminated which was turned into a movie starring Elijah Wood immediately after his Lord the the Rings stint...). Anyway...the basic story is about a little boy whose father is killed in the Sept. 11th attacks in NYC. I haven't gotten really far into it and it is a hard read because of his writing style but I am pretty much enjoying it so far. All that explanation to say...the way that the little boy describes his emotions/grief is to talk about his boots getting lighter or heavier. If he is especially grieved/upset/sad/worried, he says that his boots are really heavy. If he is having a good day, he says that his boots are light that day. How perfectly does that really describe us as humans? We walk heavy when our hearts are heavy.
So today, I am asking for your prayers for heavy boots today. If you will read my mom's blog , you will read about a beautiful friend of my sister's who is finally seeking needed help. I was so excited when I read it that I just started crying.
And if you read my blog (ha!...sorry) you will discover that my Chad is having a little minor surgery tomorrow. I am not going to really share any more of the details - it is nothing life threatening but a little painful. So please keep him (and me...please!) in your prayers as we head to the hospital tomorrow. It is an outpatient thing so hopefully we won't be there longer than 6 or 7 hours. He will probably be mad/upset/embarrassed when he finds out I told you all about this but I personally covet your prayers and he would too if he knew you were "in the loop". I am probably more nervous than he is - worrying about all the possible "what if's" that I have no control over but worry about anyway. And of course, he will be asleep for hours and I will be the one sitting there, tapping my foot, waiting.


dani-mac-snider said...

i LOVEEEE that book. and that expression!