The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Friday, September 17, 2010

oh blessed friday.

Friday is here and's a darn good thing.
My brain is in overdrive, my body is exhausted (and I just got out of bed!), and I seriously have about a 10 inch tall stack of registrations that I need to process and girls to place in troops. I brought all that stuff home with me today because I sorta figured that I might be able to sit in the quiet and work better without the email going and the phone ringing but it might not work out that way. Chad is off work today and I would much rather hang out with him than do work at home so I might as well go to the office. If I can be super productive today, I might spare myself a trip to the office on Saturday or Sunday when I would rather be devoting myself to my sweetie.
However, I think God was - in His ever present Kindness - aware that I was struggling this week. That is was probably my fullest week of recruitments and my mind and heart were getting close to maxed out. He definitely sent me unexpected volunteers at two of my big parent nights this week - ladies I didn't expect to be there - who just showed up - and blessed me more than they know with their presence. They helped answer questions, form troops, help take up registrations - it was amazing. Last night's was especially awesome - she stayed afterwards and helped me figure out who the leaders were for each troop and what girls could get placed in what troop. What a blessing! I recruited about 47 girls and 8 leaders last night - fabulous and exhausting!