The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Neither of us expected fire season to start so early this year. We are still hoping that it was due to the glorious weather we experienced over the weekend, encouraging bad decisions and too much alcohol consumption (by those making bad decisions - not us!). After being gone about 4 hours on Sunday, Chad then worked from 8:30 yesterday morning until about 11:30 last night. He was so exhausted and frustrated when he got home. I think (biased, I'm sure) that he is such a reliable, hard-worker, that never quits that he gets sent to do most of the most tiring, dirty parts of the work - mostly because no one else will! That just means that his workload gets doubled, tripled, added-to, etc...and he comes home ready to pass out. Just to hit the road again first thing in the morning to go back to the same fire.
Yeah. Bummer.
Please pray for him today if you think about it. He needs a strength and a peace about his work that can only come from God today - and every day - but especially today. He is physically exhausted, mentally drained, and just plain ole' tired.


Sis said...

You shoulda come to see me and John Mayer.