The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend Perfection

We seriously could not have asked for a better weekend this past weekend. The weather was so perfect and spring-like, my mom was here, we stayed outside as much as we could and I got a TON of stuff done around the house.

My weekend started early with some really good news. I got a promotion of sorts at work which means my role will be transitioning over the next few months. Instead of working primarily with volunteers, I will be filling a new position called a Teen Programs Coordinator. I will supervise 3 other staff members who work specifically with doing programming to recruit and retain older girls. I am crazy excited about it; I hope that it means I will get to work with girls a little more than I do and we will be working with travel and events as well so I think it will be a great change. There is still a lot of unknowns with the role so I am just telling myself to be flexible and enjoy it!

I worked a LOT last week so I took Friday afternoon off. Cleaned up a tiny bit in the house but saved all the clothes folding for my mom (the lady loves to fold clothes. What can I say!?). Mom came and we ran some errands and rented a movie. Saturday morning we met J and S and went for a walk on the Riverwalk, ate lunch at our favorite little Mexican joint on their patio, then bought and planted some flowers in the yard. Mom folded the giant mountain of clean laundry while I steam cleaned carpets. All in all, a super productive Saturday. Sunday we went to church, had lunch, then mom headed south to see my sister. Chad and I got the lawnmower started and I mowed the front and back yards while he picked up sticks and limbs. I also mowed the neighbors back yard which was an obstacle course of fun (no seriously, I like the challenge!). Chad had to work Saturday and Sunday so I cleaned carpets again and prepped lunches for this week Sunday night.

We spent as much time outside as we could – I even ended up with a little forehead sunburn and farmers tan! – and the weather was perfection. Gotta remember to keep watering everything we planted so I have prettiness all summer long!