The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

busy weekend.

This weekend is going to be ar from relaxing but it will be fun - and really that's what matters right?
This morning brings us to a lesson on how to do a honey harvest at the Agricultrue office. Chad's bee keeping class will be learning one more step in how to take care of their bees and get the goods from all their hard work. We are looking forward to the day that we will have bees and honey at our house!
This afternoon and evening will bring friends spending the night, a dinner date with a friend from Hobby Lobby (P! love her!), mom and another friend spending the night in preparation for an early departure tomorrow morning.
We are going on our annual rafting trip on the Ocoee tomorrow...which, frankly, I think should be turned into a 3 or 4 times annually sorta thing...however, for the first time (to me!) we are doing the upper Ocoee and the middle Ocoee on the same day. It means that we have to be there (over an hour away) at 8am but spending the entire morning laughing, rafting, getting wet, being scared, not being scared - all sounds like it is totally worth it! I am excited that we have good friends and family to go with us.
Truly looking forward to our busy and fun weekend!


Anonymous said...

Ar from relaxing? Like PIRATES?

ARRRRRR there matey!