The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

weekend plans.

We plan on it being a nice quiet weekend around the house, getting needed things done before the holidays hit us over the head. My plans for the day include raking leaves in the front yard, changing sheets, doing laundry, vacuuming, folding said laundry (and debating whether or not to put it away), wrapping Christmas presents to place under our tree to try and weight down the tree skirt which keeps making its way across the room due to animal play time.
How does that sound for a day of work?
We are predicted to get snow on Monday - a nasty mix of snow and rain and I just might have to stay home. I do NOT like to drive when the roads are bad - after last year's sliding down the hill in my car incident - I am pretty much done with it. I just have to cross my fingers that the schools might be closed if it really gets bad. The rule at work is that we close when the schools close...a novel idea to this girl who worked at the HobLob last winter. And they don't close for anything.
I am looking forward to having some time off the end of this month. I have big plans for a whole lot of nothing - except spending time with my nearest and dearest.