The Adventures of Stinky Sweet:

Sometimes stinky. Sometimes sweet. But it's our life - and it is always good.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I never told you about my sister's birthday party back in Jan. so now I think I will. I was spurred on my unloading pictures off my camera so I thought I would share! It was a super fun party - I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I meant to but one of her other friends is apparently a much better photographer and he brought his camera so maybe she got some good shots. It was fun to be there, meet some of her friends, re-meet others, hang out with family, and eat her super delicious cooking (yes, she cooked for her own birthday! It was what she wanted!).

She found these cool lanterns on Amazon somewhere and wanted to send them up at the end of the night. Photo #1 is the test run earlier in the day.

Look at my pretty sister...

This is the lanterns going up at night. It was so incredibly neat to watch...however, I nearly had a heart attack. They are taken aloft by actual fire - enough said. Next time we go to a lake. :)
For her birthday, I wish that every year goes up in the same blaze of glory.
Love you Sis!