I ordered my mom a fairly valuable Christmas gift online - something that Sis, Dad, and I are all getting her and I am very excited about it - but I worried a lot about it being delivered at the normal mid-afternoon FedEx time. We have a great street of neighbors but lots of neighborhood wanderers that make me nervous to leave valuables on the front porch for hours. As it turns out, my suspicions were partially justified. The gift was delivered today and our awesome neighbors spotted someone prowling about looking to see if it was worth taking. They never actually made it into the yard - just walked past scoping things out multiple times - so the neighbors scooted over and grabbed it off the front porch. They literally stopped me when I pulled in the driveway to tell me they had it so...thanks neighbors for saving Christmas. More confirmation that we are where we are supposed to be.
Coincidentally, they also said to look for a regular USPS box because the mailman had gone up on the porch to leave something. It must have come early enough for Chad to bring it in because it was a Mom's Majik Mox full of the ingredients for a chicken and pasta casserole, minus fresh chicken. I have gotten a kick out of wishing they HAD stolen the box full of casserole ingredients because it would have taught them a hilarious lesson - or maybe they needed it? Either way, the Christmas gift is safe and so is the casserole. And a word to the wise (or maybe not-so-wise?) - the two paranoid, awesome, retired dudes that live across the street? They are watching out for us.