I should be sleeping right now but I'm not.
Not unusual.
Instead I am sitting here, telling you this story.
My mom sent me an email this morning and reminded me of something that is so quickly forgotten - people are more important than things and your "to do" list.
So true.
Instead of finishing up my 8 crafts projects and 4 loads of laundry and cleaning our bedroom tomorrow, I am going to spend the day (and maybe the night) with Beth. If I wait 2 weeks to get there, spend some time with her, and take pictures of her cute pregnant belly, I might have waited too long! This might be my last opportunity to hang out with her - no baby - for years.
And those dishes can wait.
My sweet friend is too important for that.
So instead of sleeping, I am downloading the directions to her house, packing up all my art stuff (painting and jewelry stuff mostly - I think we will make some baby room art!!), getting my camera gear together, and getting us a picnic lunch planned and put together. I am taking plenty of stuff for us to do together - manicures and pedicures, art stuff, cool magazines bought today at Target - all to entertain ourselves as we lay low and she relaxes, trying to get that babe to hang on just a few more weeks.
I am so excited about hanging out with her, even if only for a day.
I feel a little guilty - tomorrow is Chad's birthday - but he told me to go so I have to believe that he is OK with it. He isn't all that into birthdays anyway...and we have plans Wednesday night with his parents and some other family. I try to make birthdays a big deal and then just get in trouble so I will just wish him off sweetly in the morning and call him at night - he knows I love him every day.
Monday, March 29, 2010
should. and can.
Posted by PSIrwin at 10:55 PM 0 comments
postponed and awesome.
I got a call from my new boss on Friday, calling to confirm when I would be starting my new job. All along I thought I was going to start on Monday (that would be today!) but she said she talked to the people in the human resources dept. and they would rather me start on the first day of the pay period. That would be April 1st and this coming Thursday. I can't even explain how upset I was - being forced to take an additional 3 days off before starting back to work ::cough, cough::.
Ok...truth...I was not upset at all. I was really, really looking forward to starting but this gives me an opportunity to get some other things done this week that I would not have had an opportunity to get done.
So far I have finished my camera bag (why? I'll tell you in a minute!), cleaned up in the house a little bit, finished filing our taxes, given the dog a bath (she herded my sister's chickens yesterday and then proceeded to roll in their poop. awesome.) and made a CD with all of the shower pictures on it to give to Beth. Who, by the way, be jealous folks....I am going to get to see her tomorrow and take some pictures of her adorable pregnant self. She hasn't had any maternity pictures done and we made plans for me to come in two weeks to take some but she may have that sweet baby between now and then so I am going to go to see her tomorrow and take pictures! Thus the reason why I wanted to go ahead and finish my camera bag!
Left to do: run some errands, clean up the bedroom, pack for my trip tomorrow, clean out the car and vacuum from this past weekend's trip and get the car washed. It is a beautiful day and I hope I'll get it all done and can enjoy the weather a bit!
Posted by PSIrwin at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Today is a day of sweet friends, good news, and great blessings.
Beth's shower was an awesome success - she had wonderful people show up and literally "shower" her with blessings in the form of gifts for her little one. She has been still have some contractions so hopefully he can hold off a few more weeks before he decides to make his entrance. She is healthy and happy so I think he will be too!
I just found out that my friend Dani got into graduate school at Duke - where her husband is in seminary. What a blessing! She is so excited and they will be lucky to have such a hard-working, smart, sweet student!
I also just discovered (thank you Facebook!) that I became a great aunt for the 6th time a fwe minutes ago! My niece Erin had her baby today - haven't heard anything really but yea for babies!
Chad got to spend some time with old friends today...I got to spend some time hanging out with sweet girlfriends today. Time that I think we both needed to just reconnect, catch up, laugh, tell stories, and be with those we love.
What a sweet weekend - a great way to end one chapter of my life before I start another!
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:39 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
heading south.
It's that time again - doing laundry and packing for a trip south. We are heading down to Columbus this afternoon for a weekend of seeing friends, getting loved on by family, and then being forced to pack up my last belongings at my parents house. Mom and Dad are having some work done on their house and mom told me that I have to go through everything that is left (mostly a closet full of books!) and decide what stays, what gets boxed up and donated, and what comes back to the Nooga with me. Ugh. Mostly I just don't want to do it (hi Mom!) but I also don't want to see them clean out and possibly move out of the house I grew up in. I will admit to crying about it a little last night - Chad said that everyone has to go through that and it isn't "home" anymore anyway. Eh...he's just an unromantic man and doesn't understand or feel the draw towards what has always felt like "home". I know I have a new "home" with him and I have even blogged about it before but I guess I always pictured my kids going to see their grandparents there, in that home.
Oh well...life goes on.
I have to finish a couple loads of laundry (no, I did not fold and put away yesterday. Kick me later.) and pack before Chad gets back from a Dr.'s appt. around noon. I should probably also shower and get ready so I don't have to do that later. And considering I am still in my pj's and had cold pizza for breakfast, I might want to get going!
Hopefully I will remember to take pictures this weekend and you'll get to see the sweet pregnant Beth in her super cute glory and all the girls together again before a little one is added to the mix! P.S. Beth has been having some pre-term contractions, strong ones that might get her put on bed rest for 4 or 5 more weeks until "Peanut" can safely be delivered so keep her and the little guy in your prayers for a healthy birth - that happens atleast 4 weeks from now!
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The answer is yes, mother. The meatloaf I made for dinner was delicious.
Too bad I had to eat it by myself because Chad got called out to a fire.
Pretty weather breeds stupid people.
And good fire conditions.
And poor guy can never let his guard down.
He called to tell me he was on the way home from church - I was just finishing up corn, green beans, mashed taters, and meatloaf. A man's meal!
By the time he got home, he was practically changing clothes and out the door again.
So I ate by myself.
Asked myself all about my last day at Hobby Lobby.
Asked myself all about the house I went to look at tonight.
Made plans with myself for tomorrow when I'll be off work (unemployed?) all day with only myself to entertain.
Told myself all about the crazy animal antics while I was cooking dinner.
Ok, so I didn't really talk to myself all through dinner but it was a little sad to eat alone when I had waited all that time to hang out with him. I know what he does is important but it is always a bummer to get excited about making plans and hanging out only to have something happen. We are hopefully expecting rain tomorrow night so we should be OK for this weekend but you just never know!
It's not like I don't have plenty to do before then- clean out the car (even a wash and vacuum!), fuel her up for a trip to Columbus, check my oil, do 4 loads of laundry (clean, fold, put away - all in one day - I am determined!), finish my camera bag, pack my stuff, meeting with new real estate agent (oh dear, I hope the old one doesn't read my blog!) to look at some houses. Busy day.
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:28 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Emily, I owe you an apology.
I should have called your real estate agent from the very beginning.
I still haven't yet but I should...
We've had a bad run here recently.
The first agent we called never called us back...
Our own agent who isn't "on top of things" to put it mildly...
another agent who left a sign up and the listing up on a property for a month after it sold, getting our hopes up (and a lot of not-needed work on the part of our contractor!).
and yet another who didn't return my calls until 2 weeks after the house we wanted went under contract.
Bad run on real estate agents here in Chattanooga.
Here's to hoping it gets easier.
A friend of my parent's called yesterday to offer the name and number of a local agent that is supposed to be great...and then the agent called soon after.
I might take her up on her offer to help...I'm desperate for a positive outcome now.
We've been looking since late last year...seriously looking since probably January.
Thinking, surely we can find something we want by April (the deadline for the tax credit on 1st time home buyers)...
And then our hopes are dashed on the rocks.
On the other hand, we like our contractor so much we are thinking about building a house instead of buying. It means we don't get the tax credit and that it will push us out around a year but we get what we want in a house.
Now we just have to find affordable land!
Anybody got a little land they want to sell?
On the bright side, two days left at HobLob!
Then 4 days off,
a sweet baby shower,
time with my folks and friends in Columbus,
and a new job next week.
Endless possibilities!
Posted by PSIrwin at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
needing rain.
I like rain.
For two reasons now instead of one.
If it rains, I can pretty much bet good money that Chad won't get called out to a fire because the ground is too wet to burn and God will put it out if it does start burning.
Second reason is a little more green - I spent the morning with Dad B at the local community garden with some Master Gardeners (hi mom...master gardener shout out! - but these were not my mom, sadly.) learning how to make a rain barrel! I came home with a rain barrel ready to use and a home owner's association that says I can't use it. Ha. I will paint it to match the house, stick it in the back, and dare them to say anything. Or just wait until we move. But still...what a great way to save money and water our flowers!
Posted by PSIrwin at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
I passed 500 posts with nary a mention...sorry!
It is probably because the "0" (zero) button - which is also the end parenthesis in case you have forgotten - is the button that currently doesn't want to work correctly on my computer. I have to push it about 5 times before I get an zero's or parenthesis' out of the little guy so 500 takes too long to type!
Congrats me though!
I never thought I would keep it up this long - or have so much to say - much to your chagrin I am sure!
Today is my day off for the week. Yeah, yeah...I know I just got Wednesday off but since I had to spend the day working, I also swindled my way into another day off this week. Actually, the conversation with my boss went something like this.
Paula - "Hey, I quit. Oh, and I need next Wednesday off too for a meeting."
Boss - "You can't leave?!?!? Please. No. No. No...ok, fine. But I already made next week's schedule and you are off on Friday. Do you have any personal time left?".
P- "Yes, I think I have a few hours, maybe even enough for a whole day."
Boss - "I will just let you use your personal time on Wednesday and you can still have Friday off."
P - "Bless you! You are a nice man."
Or something like that.
I also have a week of vacation time that he is going to pay me for the last week of the month, after I retire from HobLob. So I will actually be getting paid to work for HobLob and the Girl Scouts that last/first week! Yippee.
Since, I am off today, I have been busy, busy, busy getting things done/cleaned around the house. That little animal of Megan's has some bathroom outdoors aversion so I decided instead of giving him a place in the dining room to go to the bathroom and camouflage it on the rug, I was just going to take up the whole rug. Mind you, this rug is under the dining room table and 8 chairs so all of that had to be moved. I vacuumed the rug, rolled it up, and stowed it in a closet. Then cleaned the floor and moved the table and chairs back. It already looks more open in there...I also filled up more wall space with tons of art that has just been sitting in a pile. I figure they are going to have to paint when we move out of here anyway, I might as well enjoy my art on the walls before we buy a house and move. I vacuumed all the upstairs, downstairs rugs, cleaned all the hardwood floors, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned off the desk, hung my art, and all I really have left to do is put away some clothes in our bedroom. I cleaned out my side of the closet yesterday - after spending an indecent amount of money on Monday buying new office clothes (I got a ton of stuff though including my navy blue suit that I have to have for my new job!), I decided that I needed to make room for the new in the closet. I gave about 20 things to Goodwill on my way to work yesterday, along with a bag of stuff that had just been sitting around. I got a tax receipt this time - hopefully this coming year with a house purchase, more charitable giving, and a different job we might actually get a tax refund instead of having to pay like we did this year. I am trying to ensure that by keeping up with everything we donate/give away.
I am sitting here listening to the gentle hum of our solar attic fan pumping out the warm air that is filling the attic - meaning that it is sunny and warm enough that it needed to turn on for the first time in who knows how many months! I think I will finish my jobs and take Gwendolen to the park or maybe for a long walk before I shower. Dinner with the in-laws tonight, working closing shift again tomorrow. 4 days left at HL!
Posted by PSIrwin at 2:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I feel like this week is flying by - today marking my official one week left at HobLob. I spent the day in Knoxville at the Girl Scout office for the monthly membership meeting. It didn't do much but leave me feeling confusing, overwhelmed, and thinking that I am already in over my head on day #1. I know it is because they have all been there and today is my first day (I kept a running list of questions on the side of my paper - things that I had no clue what they were talking about!! And asked the other girls on the way home to explain things.) But this busy week has left me with 4 loads of laundry that needs to be folded, a kitchen that is a disaster, and a husband that needs a little of my time and attention so I am signing off for a few days.
From what I learned today, I am going to be putting in a lot more hours than I thought I would be (we are talking many, many more than 4o hours a week...think more like 60. Which is awesome but I won't get paid overtime and I will be too busy to flex the time off on other days...atleast this is what I hear...I think they are trying to reorganize so that we have more time to do some other things). But if that is going to be the case, atleast for a while, I need to enjoy my time with Chad while I can. So...the posts might be farther between for a couple of weeks until I get everything figured out.
Posted by PSIrwin at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
I would like to say, with great joy, that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
This is my last full week at the HobLob and while my joy is mixed with a tinge of sadness (I am not particularly fond of major change...it makes me uncomfortable...but I know it is good), I am looking forward to a new step in my life and our lives.
I also don't have to work on freight Wednesday which is just an added bonus for the week. I have to go to Knoxville for my first monthly membership meeting so it is my official first day of work but then I don't really start until the 29th. This will be a busy March! My last day at the HobLob is the 24th (my last freight day!) then I get a long 4 day weekend (which, frankly, I think I deserve!). Beth's shower is in Cols. on the 27th so we will be going there that long weekend. Then I start with the GS as soon as we get back!
I still have some things that need framing so I am trying to get those done so I can still use my discount on them before I go! Speaking of art...I get to decorate my office however I want (obviously not too crazy and I can't change the wall color but I can hang art). So...suggestions? I think some of my mom's smaller paintings and maybe some of mine and Chad's photography. I am considering both doing a mixed eclectic look of things I love or maybe trying to stick with a theme (all photography...all paintings...handmade....etc). Help me out! I've never gotten to decorate an office before!
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
sunday morning.
Thank you Verizon/LG phone for automatically updating the time this Daylight savings time Sunday morning. You woke me up on time and that is nice.
Dear hot water heater in my house,
Please try harder.
I took the first shower this morning and I had to turn the knob all the way to the hot side and it was still a little cold.
Remember me? I am the girl that likes tepid showers anyway but this one was a little lacking.
Everyone else will get hot showers because I was first.
Sad how it has to work that way.
Thank you, in advance.
Not too much going today...church this morning and then our second try to see Avatar with Chad's dad this afternoon. Waiting on everyone else to get ready.
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
We have had some internet problems the past couple of days...probably related to the really bad storm that passed through yesterday but it seems to be working OK now.
I have to get up and go to work today...Chad is meeting a contractor to talk about house stuff.
Then we are going to see Avatar in 3D. I am more excited about spending a Saturday night with my husband (with a smaller chance of a fire call because of all the rain we got yesterday!) than I am about seeing the movie. I hope it proves me wrong but I am not all that excited...maybe I just don't like sci-fi that much.
Posted by PSIrwin at 7:49 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
There are times when I could really just do major bodily harm to my cat.
Ok, I never, ever would because I am crazy about her and she is cute, cute, cute but this morning was one of those times when I was reconsidering her adoption and thinking of sending her to live with her Aunt for a while.
I went to the glass studio yesterday morning before work to pick up our new glass balls. They had to cool overnight but I was so curious I left home in time to drive all the way downtown to get them before work. They gave them to me wrapped in bubblewrap and in gift bags with tissue. It felt like Christmas all over again! Merry Christmas! When I got home, I left my sister's in the car (smart move apparently) since I will be passing through soon and can just drop it off. I brought mine in the house to show Chad and decide where to hang it. He unwrapped it, told me it was cool, put it back in the bubblewrap, in the bag, and we went to bed.
Wooby did not go to bed.
I think she stayed up all night and created havoc in our house. Things are off tables, keys are off the front table, weird stuff is out of place.
And I woke up this morning to her tearing up and down the stairs, all over the house, with he bag from my glass ball stuck around her neck.
Of course, I didn't know this at the time. I was in bed.
Chad came in to inform me that she is ok, but it was the bag from my glass ornament that she had been playing in and apparently it had attacked her. She was obviously freaked out.
And then he laid my glass ball on the bed beside me.
He said he found it on the stairs.
It appears to have not suffered too much. Maybe it didn't come out of the bubble wrap until it was safely on the carpet (the entire downstairs is hardwood floors).
But if that cat had broken my brand-spankin'-new hard earned glass ornament - I would have killed her myself.
Moral of the story: Lock the cat in the bathroom at night.
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
here's lookin' - uh, part 2.
So, please go back a couple posts and read if you are interested in job info.
I started writing it yesterday but didn't want to post it until I talked to my boss.
In case you want the quick version,
But if you want the rest of the story, go back a post or two and I'll explain.
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Labels: new job
harder. softer.
Then there is some reheating, some blowing (I won't embarrass anyone, including myself, with those pictures), some more blowing, some "harder", "softer", "stop!" instructions, and then you have this...
Posted by PSIrwin at 10:19 AM 2 comments
Labels: crafts, glass blowing, mom, photos, Sis
shower invites
Posted by PSIrwin at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby shower
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
here's lookin'.
Yes, here's lookin' at you kid.
Well, technically it is you looking at me.
And you are really just looking at my blog.
But you are looking at the blog of the newest employee of the Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachias.
thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
I felt comfortable and covered in your love.
My offical job title is Membership Manager. I will be in charge of an area of our council - increasing membership in that area and assisting the leaders as they need help with unit meeting and troop meetings. I have my own office and share an assistant with a couple other girls. Ha..hilarious. They gave me an office and an assistant. And I will make enough money that we can buy any of the houses that currently top our list.
God is so good!
I handed my boss my letter of resignation today and before he even opened it he said "This better not be a letter of resignation". I sort of nodded and apologized but he said that he was sad to see me go and they were lucky to have me.
I think so too!
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:01 PM 2 comments
Labels: Girl Scouts, new job
Monday, March 8, 2010
can't wait!
I only have to work one day before I get to see my mom and my sister!
They will be here late tonight after my Sis gets off work and then will hang out with me until probably dinner time tomorrow night. We have our appointment to blow our own glass ornaments (I have my 2nd interview at 1pm!!) and hopefully our real estate agent will be able to show us the two houses that top the list. She hasn't been feeling well so I emailed her and asked if she felt better, could she maybe show us those two so I can get an opinion from my mom and sister.
Everything I planned on getting done this weekend pretty much got finished - with the exception of cleaning out my car which got about half done as I watched the Oscar's last night (those were pleasantly short commercial breaks!) and finishing cleaning up our bedroom. I folded and put away a bunch of clothes yesterday so I just need to clean off the 2 chairs in our room (which stay that way for about 6 hours once it gets done) and it will be done!
Beth's baby shower invites are going in the mail today - I think they are really cute! I will show you a picture as soon as people start getting them in the mail.
And for the sake of pure honesty here, I would like to report that I just busted my lip on the edge of the desk. Yep. I'm super clumsy this morning. Don't ask me how that just happened but I was trying to take something from the cat and I guess I was looking at her instead of where my face was located and now I have a fat lip (and it hurts so bad I thought I broke a tooth...that is how hard I hit my mouth). Awesome. "Hi, My name is Paula. I would like to work for you. And no, I don't normally have an huge lower lip". Cool.
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: glass blowing, mom, Sis, To Do
Sunday, March 7, 2010
it's good.
It is done...fire line is put in. Contained as best it can be in the dark.
And he's headed home.
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:51 PM 0 comments
so close.
We got through the work part to the eating dinner part when Chad got called out to a fire. It has been a slim season (thankfully that doesn't impact his paycheck...he works either way) but that is just what a few beautiful, slightly-warm, sunny, low-humidity days get you. Add in a couple stupid people setting the woods on fire and you have a nice combination perfect for a forest fire. This one is actually up at the forest where Chad works so hopefully familiar terrain will make for a quick recovery and he won't be out too late.
So much for seeing a movie though...I guess I will just watch the Oscars and clean out my car instead. Fun!
Posted by PSIrwin at 7:53 PM 0 comments
good things.
After a nice date last night, where we got to talk about a lot of stuff and I got to hear nice encouragement from my husband, we came home and watched The Visitor. (a random Netflix pick that turned out to be both sad and sweet). Our date was so nice...it was the first of the Great Date Experiment that we have been able to actually fit into our busy schedules so it was January's date in March. Now we are only two behind! Chad didn't seem quite as "into" it as I was and didn't really want to play along with all of their instructions but did about half of it and it was good to hear some of his answers and thoughts. I still suggest is...especially if your spouse is a little more into make a fool of himself than mine is!
We have gotten a ton of stuff done today...Chad swept the hardwood floors downstairs and put away all the clean dishes and cleaned off the counters. He is now working in the attic with his dad to put some more plywood down to give a little more storage space. We have a huge attic here but none of it was really finished out so they are doing that to make the space a bit more useful. Since we installed the solar powered attic fan last summer, it stays cooler up there and it is safe to put more things in the attic for storage.
I have cleaned the bathrooms, addressed and stamped the baby shower invites to mail out tomorrow, vacuumed the downstairs living room and the stairs (and literally broke a sweat on that one...lugging that thing up and down the stairs is a great workout!). Now I have to fold a couple loads of laundry and vacuum (that is a really funny word when you really type it out) in the bedroom and we will be done. Dinner plans with the family and possibly Avatar in 3D to see what all the Oscar hype is all about.
Posted by PSIrwin at 4:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: baby shower, Chad, cleaning, First Things First, Great Date Experiement
Thursday, March 4, 2010
On a different note, did I tell you that I hate my haircut?
Oh dear...do I dislike it so!
It is too short (much shorter than I asked for).
It is pretty much all one length (bob style...what I specifically asked to NOT have).
It frames my face (adding 10 pounds that I already had there and was trying to hide!)
And when I blowdry it (which I have to do to wear it down <- which I have to do because it is too short to put it up), it looks like a pyramid.
My only saving grace? My flat iron. Which is my new best friend.
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:21 AM 1 comments
my thoughts.
If you are already thinking that I am a little weird, you should just skip today's post all together.
But please come back tomorrow...I will be less weird then.
I will be back to my usual weird.
I told you a while ago about my friend J at work who I thought was really the reason I am at Hobby Lobby. I have to believe that God works in ways like that - that He controls the details of our lives to the point that even the small things are important. I know that He is big enough to do that. I so struggled with why I was working at HL...feeling like I wasn't making a difference, feeling like the 8 hours I spend there every day doesn't really mean anything to anyone. But I know, I have to believe, that I was and still am there for a reason. And after a lot of consideration, I still believe that it was to make a positive impact on this one person. I hope that I have made an impact on other people as well but I feel like knowing him and impacting his life was my most important action.
And I told this to J last night as breezed through the frame shop while I was working. His life has changed drastically and no thanks to me, or even me alone. He has been surrounded by and lifted up by quite a few people in the recent months. An old teacher who has taken time to care and share her faith, a compete stranger at Starbucks, and a friend at HL who cares about him (that would be me!). He said "I have never been better"..."I am in the best place now."
Going from suicidal thoughts and being chased by generational demons to joining us at church on Sunday and being filled with the Holy Spirit and a beautiful sense of what community is really all about.
I almost cried last night talking to him - knowing that God has worked "behind the scenes" in ways that completely blow my mind. Healing a heart that the world would have just written off as permanently broken. He left, promising to tell me the rest of his story when we eat lunch after church on Sunday, and I just cried out to my Father.
How can you not praise a God who can still heal, who is still relevant to a hurting world?
I think I have served my purpose now...I know that it is OK for me to move on and I am very comfortable doing so. I no longer feel like I still have something to fulfill there.
I believe in a BIG God...a God that is big enough to care about the little stuff like where a girl living in Chattanooga works so that she can be a small part of changing the life of another Child.
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
alot of nothing.
Reporting in with a lot of not too much to share.
The weather cleared up yesterday by the time I left work, leaving me with mostly dry roads and 39 degrees to drive home in.
For that, I was thankful.
My mom and sister are coming to see me next Tuesday and I have already asked for the day off so hang out with them (which is good considering I have an interview that day now too...). We are going to Ignis Glass Studio to fulfill their Christmas presents of "blow your own glass ornament". I am pretty excited...I hope I remember to take the camera and get some pictures for you!
Other than that, not too much to report. Just another day at work...I'm off Saturday this week and very much looking forward to it!
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
you're kidding, right?
Now it is just raining.
Meaning it has warmed up enough to melt the snow and make a mess.
What a major bummer.
Going to work.
Posted by PSIrwin at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Be still my beating heart.
My meeting/interview was canceled because of the snow.
Postponed until next Tuesday.
I have to wait another week to hear something, meet people, possibly have answers.
She says she thinks I am a "great fit" for the job but I have to pass inspection of all these other people that I will be working with.
And now I have a week to be nervous about it.
I even rearranged my work schedule last minute yesterday to be able to go...
I am starting to really dislike this snow business.
It was fun the first time around.
Not so much now that it is causing me this much stress.
And if it really keeps it up like it is, I may not be able to get to work.
Or get home later.
I don't like to drive in this mess!
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:28 AM 1 comments
Got up.
Took a shower.
Eating my cereal.
About to go dry my hair.
Looked outside.
And coming down hard in giant flakes.
My interview might get canceled if this keeps up. She said we would reschedule until next week.
I think I might die a little.
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
I have interview #2 tomorrow morning at 11am.
She wants me to meet some other people in the office who will be doing basically the same things as me/working with me/helping me/teaching me...and this time...they get to interview me. Fun!
I like to meet new people so I am excited.
And hopefully it will end well for me!
Say a little prayer.
Posted by PSIrwin at 9:17 PM 0 comments
don't stop.
Not too much to report for today...gotta open on a Monday morning which is really unusual. I normally go in at 10 or 11 so I can order my department (photo frames) before we get really busy and I get interrupted so many times I can't get finished. But not today! I open but that means I can get off at 5 and Chad and I are going to go to the YMCA and swim. Looking forward to it tons! He is not a member and yet and I think we are going to change out membership to a family membership so he can go swim and ride the bike too...maybe do some triathalon training. It sorta stinks that there is a YMCA really close to HobLob now but there really isn't one any where near where we are looking at houses. Admittedly, I am super spoiled by our current living location...not only does this place have huge bathrooms, bedrooms, and closets...it is super close to work, to grocery stores, the YMCA, and only about 13 minutes from Target! You can't beat that...but hey, it is a small price to pay to be in your own place, in a house you can call your own.
On that note...say your prayers about that one too! We have some big decisions to make over the next few weeks and we want to make the right decision, not an emotional decision. Ok...I want to make the right decision not based on emotion. Chad typically makes logical decisions easily.
Also...please don't stop praying about the job thing. I haven't heard anything yet and I am dying a little inside! Ok, that is an exaggeration. But I really hope I hear something very soon so I can stop fretting over it, worrying about, pondering it, thinking about it, etc...when I am supposed to be doing other things!
Posted by PSIrwin at 8:01 AM 0 comments